Hi, I’m Tracy

I’m passionate about creating space for new possibilities. I’m a future-oriented person and an optimist by nature. The world is changing. There is much to be done and many who want to do it. I’m here to help the many who want to break free from the status quo and make a real difference.

Prior to coaching my work encompassed 25 years in organizational development, leadership training and professional education. In that time, I helped thousands of leaders develop skills to increase their professional impact and manage successful teams.


My Personal Evolution

After many years of being consumed by work in a leadership role, I was snapped out of that reality by my husband’s terminal illness diagnosis. In his few remaining years, my focus shifted to his care, how our teenage kids were managing, and contemplating the purpose of my life without him.

After his death, my personal evolution led to a bigger dream than I would have dared to have in the years before. I experienced the world beyond my bubble. I felt the anger and frustration of a broken society and planetary collapse and I needed to do something about it. Where once I would have said, “what can I do besides give money?” I was compelled to serve in a new way.

I had to take a good look at myself and understand what I’m capable of and what energizes me. I realized I’m not an activist. But I am a great facilitator. I can help you find your authentic voice, articulate your vision, and enroll others in it. I can help you structure a plan for success, create the mindset that will support you, and find the courage to act outside of your comfort zone.

As a leadership coach I integrate brain science to help you master your inner self with systems and design thinking to help you see problems and solutions from different perspectives. When your mind, body and spirit are aligned, you find your purpose. When you realize the impact of your actions within all the systems you are a part of and choose to act ethically within them, you are a conscious leader.

And that’s when the real magic happens!

What’s it like to partner with me as your coach?


Mental Fitness Coach Certification Training in Process – Positive Intelligence

PCC Credential (Professional Certified Coach) – International Coaching Federation

Post-Graduate Certificate, Professional Coaching for Life and Work – University of California, Davis

Teaching Credential – University of California, Irvine

BS Organizational Training and Development – Southern Illinois University